Finance Committee

The Finance Committee provides direct oversight of the District Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer on behalf of the Assembly.  The purpose of the Finance Committee is to make sure that our Financial Principles are maintained in accordance with Steps, Traditions, Concepts and Bylaws.

The Finance Committee is responsible for creating the annual budget in consultation with the officers and committee chairs.  The budget is presented to the District Assembly at the December Assembly meeting and is voted on by the Assembly at the January Assembly meeting.

The committee meets on an as needed basis, but will meet at least twice per year to create the budget and then review the budget against actual income and expenses at the half year mark.  The committee also provides on-going advice to the Assembly on financial requests throughout the year.

Voting membership of the committee consists of the District Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, two members at large who represent the assembly.  The  members at large are appointed in the off cycle election years.  They are nominated by the District Treasurer and approved by the Assembly.

The Committee also consists of a non-voting Property subcommittee chair, who is responsible for the Assembly’s relationships with outsite organizations from whom we rent space for Assembly activities such as meetings, functions and other events.  The subcommittee chair coordinates rental agreements between district assembly entities and the owners of facilities and ensures that prompt payments are made for the assembly’s use of outside facilities.

For more information please contact the District 12 Treasurer or the District 12 Assistant Treasurer.